Dear Moderator

Welcome to my A2 Media Studies blog! It shows all of my work which I started on 18/06/12 and finished on 27/03/13. I put a lot of time and effort into my work and I hope that this is reflected in my final product.

My evaluation begins on 26/02/13
My final products appear directly under this text

I had a lot of fun creating my poster, magazine and trailer this year. I hope you enjoy looking at my blog, enjoy!

Thursday 20 December 2012

Research and Planning: Christmas

Over Christmas I am going to take an SLR camera home with me and take pictures fit for my magazine and poster.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Research and Planning: My Poster

Today I decided to make some progress on my movie poster, I added text for the credits using the steeltongs font. I also decided there should be a catchy tag line somewhere on my poster I decided to use 'trust in your saviors.' This will be one of the slogans of the Acura company and could also refer to Alexis being a savior of the people.

I have decided that I will definitely continue to use the same font for 'Alexis Von Fury: Zombie Hunter'

Thursday 13 December 2012

Research and Planning: Magazine So far

Research and Planning: Editing log so far

I have decided to upload the progress I make with my editing through my editing log. This way I can keep track of all of the things I am doing and what is going well.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Research and Planning: Me working

Here is a video of me doing some of my work. This should show you how I work and the various tasks I carry out to create my coursework.

Research and Planning: Coverline ideas for magazine

Today I decided to mind-map some ideas for my magazine cover's coverlines. I decided to use Prezi to present this. Some of these ideas could be very useful for me when it comes to choosing which coverlines would be good enough for my cover.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Research and Planning: Bloopers

Research and Planning: Feedback on Trailer

Today our class watched what we have done of our trailer so far, they filled out feedback sheets and handed them back to us. We will take their comments on board and try our best to use this information to make our trailer even better

Research and Planning: Trailer so far

Today we showed our trailers so far to the class and asked for their feedback. This was very helpful to us as our attention was drawn to things we could add to our piece to make it even better. There are a couple of scenes which are missing and will need to be added in soon. We also need to add sound in the form of a voice over to help give the character more identity. Some zombie sound effects and gun shots would also be useful

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Research and Planning: Female lead inspiations

To get an idea of how a female lead should be in an action/horror genre I decided to do some research to make sure that my character fits in with these conventions.

 Juliet Starling is the main character from the video game Lollipop chainsaw, she has a positive fun loving personality and is very upbeat (even when she is slicing the heads off her undead classmates) This is something which I would like to recreate in my own character of Alexis.

Babydoll is from the movie Sucker Punch, in this film her character escapes to a fantasy world in order to escape, hre she becomes stronger than she was in the real world. I wouldn't want to take the fantasy element of this but I would like to show strength as well as some vulnerability in my character. For example she may be captured at some point. She is not invincible.

This is Alice, a lead character from the resident evil movies. The aspect of this character I like best is her attitude and seriousness, I would like to represent some of this in my own work. This kind of attitude from a character could help with my film trailer/poster/magazine over being taken more seriously

Research and Planning: Zombie costume

After watching a video of the Walking Dead behind the scenes I saw that a woman was able to create an old tattered look in the clothing of the 'Walking dead' zombies by burning them. I thought this was an extremely effective idea and decided that we should try to do this for our own work. So on Sunday when we began some filming we brought a lighter and burned holes into the costumes of a couple of our zombies.

Research and Planning: All footage

This video contains every bit of footage we have filmed so far, this is completely unedited and I look forward to beginning the editing process as soon as possible. Not all of the footage will be usable but I do think that we have a lot here that will be useful for us.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Research and Planning: Shot list

This form was filled out by Philippa and shows the types of shots we aim to include in our filming. Hopefully we will manage to include all of these in our final piece.

Research and Planning: Weather forcast weekend

This is the weather forecast for tomorrow, I have found this very useful as it will help me to know just how cold it will be for our filming. This means that I have to make sure all of my actors have warm clothes to wear when they're not being filmed.

Research and Planning: Extra filming day

Today is Saturday and as me and Pippa are both free today we have decided to go to Manchester city centre to do some filming. I have made adjustments to my costume to make it more suitable for the weather, I have also printed out some posters to add to mise en scene. I have also called a friend to come along and be my zombie for the day. Today should be exciting!