Dear Moderator

Welcome to my A2 Media Studies blog! It shows all of my work which I started on 18/06/12 and finished on 27/03/13. I put a lot of time and effort into my work and I hope that this is reflected in my final product.

My evaluation begins on 26/02/13
My final products appear directly under this text

I had a lot of fun creating my poster, magazine and trailer this year. I hope you enjoy looking at my blog, enjoy!

Saturday 26 January 2013

Research and Planning: Audience Feedback on Trailer 2

 Today we showed our trailer in class again at it's current (closer to finished) stage. We were given sheets to fill out for each other in regards to our work and the synergy within it. These are the feedback sheets we received.

We found out that the audience could tell that our posters, magazines and trailer all matched up to the genre of action/horror. I was told that my magazines strengths included strong synergy, blood staining and it includes two powerful pictures. I was advised to add a background into my magazine as well as some more text, I plan to do this as soon as possible. We were also told that the sound on our trailer was very strong and effective.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Research and Planning: Magazine rearranging

Today I rearranged the layout of my magazine after finding an example of Empire magazine which I took a particular shine to. I am currently trying to decide if I like it better this way.

Research and Planning: Magazine inspiration

Research and Planning: Podcast 2

This is a podcast made by me and Pippa today talking about what stage we are up to in our work and what still needs to be finished. By the looks of things most of the work should be completed next week.

Research and Planning: Voice over

As well as the voice over which will be recorded by me we will need another strong male voice to record 'Alexis Von Fury: Zombie Hunter... Coming soon' We have submitted this request to our teacher and she will be providing us with a recorded voice over.

Research and Planning: Sound effect practice

Today we watched this film trailer in class for 'Wrong turn'. We are using this trailer as inspiration to creating our own home made sound-effects. The sounds we took particular attention to were the echoing high pitched sounds. We found that we were able to recreate these particular sounds using wine glasses containing water. Here are some pictures of me and Pippa trying this out for ourselves.

 We found that the larger glasses made the deeper sounds which sounded similar to that on a horror trailer.

 Smaller glasses make high pitched sounds which remind me of the paranormal.

 Scraping a knife against another metal utensil such as a spatula creates a good sword swiping sound.

 Crunching paper or a plastic bag sounds similar to a burning fire.

Monday 21 January 2013

Research and Planning: My magazine today

Today I made some more changes to my movie magazine and I am rather happy with the progress that I have made. The main image still needs to be uploaded so that my magazine will be almost complete.

Thursday 17 January 2013

Research and Planning: Filming scheduling

I have been using facebook to arrange a day that the final lot of filming can be completed. Hopefully this will be taking place early next week and then the final editing for my trailer can be completed.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Research and Planning: Magazine Progress

This is the stage I am at currently with my magazine cover, I have added some extra text and hopefully soon I will have a photo to add on to it.

Friday 4 January 2013

Research and Planning: Zombie film poster inspiration

I have been looking at zombie hunter movie posters on Google images to get an idea of what layouts other people have used when creating their own work. By doing this I should get an idea of how I want my poster to look to an audience. I already have a few vague ideas but this could help focus them.

The poster for this Japanese film gave me the idea that I would quite like to have some zombies in the background of my poster to highlight the action/fighting aspect I want to promote. 

I will not make my poster like this one (especially with the strippers) This is far too sexualised and although there will be some of this in my trailer/poster/magazine cover it is not purely what I want to aim for.

I like the idea of the background on this poster. I think it may be a good idea to take a picture of 'Alexis' with some weapons in a seemingly abandoned/ derelict backdrop. 

Research and Planning: Photo's for my magazine/poster

Today I went to one of my previous filming locations with my sister to take some photographs which could be used for my poster or magazine. We may use a different location to take further pictures if these are not suitable for my work. We began taking the pictures at around 2:30pm and had to stop as it was beginning to get too dark for the images to look suitable for a magazine cover. I will use this knowledge in future and make sure that I set off to start taking my pictures earlier.