Dear Moderator

Welcome to my A2 Media Studies blog! It shows all of my work which I started on 18/06/12 and finished on 27/03/13. I put a lot of time and effort into my work and I hope that this is reflected in my final product.

My evaluation begins on 26/02/13
My final products appear directly under this text

I had a lot of fun creating my poster, magazine and trailer this year. I hope you enjoy looking at my blog, enjoy!

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Evaluation: Question 4

 How Did You Use Media Technologies In The Construction And Research, Planning And Evaluation Stages?

Research and Planning

 I used Blogger again this year to document everything I have done. All the research and planning that was carried out went on my blog as is my evaluation. I have decided to create some other posts independently and upload them on here to add to my work.

Firefox is the internet provider I used to get hold of a lot of my research and planning.  

Word it out was used this year to create a kind of collage of words to inspire us with our production company names.

 Prezi was used again this year to provide a platform to create clear presentations of my
ideas. I used it to show who I think my target audience is and my plan for my magazine.

 Slideshare was used to put my PowerPoints onto my blog. Although I hadn't had experience with the software, I found it was very easy to use and to understand.

Solvr was a program we used to give us ideas for the film title. We used this to show our ideas that could potentially be good or bad.

I used garage band during a task in class but I did not use it for my final piece as Pippa made the sound for our work

We used Ishowu a little last year to show how my work was achieved through pod-casts ect. I used this program for the same reason this year to keep updated on my work and my ideas.

Excel was used this year for the same reason I used it last year, to create my production schedule. This meant that I had to type out all of my tasks in regards to my trailer, magazine and poster and set a date and time frame for it to be completed.

 Powerpoint was used to present my pitch at the beginning of the project and also to present my response to evaluation question 1.
We used a Sony cyber shot camera to record our audience interviews and take quick pictures such as make up or costume ideas.


Imovie was a new piece of software introduced to me this year to edit my film trailer. I had previously used windows movie maker to edit short films or videos I had made in the past so the tools were really simple for me to grasp.

 The SLR cameras were used to take the pictures for my magazine and poster. We were familiar with the cameras as we had used them last year to take the photographs for my music magazine.

The HD camcorders were borrowed from the other media group as there were only two of them. We used this to record the whole trailer. We had no tripod so we had to be careful with our shooting. We also changed the settings so that our clips had a blue filter.

Photoshop was a program we were familiar with after using it last year to make my music magazine. I did however get to use some skills that I had not been able to use last year such as the colour balance tool.

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