Dear Moderator

Welcome to my A2 Media Studies blog! It shows all of my work which I started on 18/06/12 and finished on 27/03/13. I put a lot of time and effort into my work and I hope that this is reflected in my final product.

My evaluation begins on 26/02/13
My final products appear directly under this text

I had a lot of fun creating my poster, magazine and trailer this year. I hope you enjoy looking at my blog, enjoy!

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Finished Trailer, Poster and Magazine

Here is my final draft of my poster I have softened the 'steeltongs font' and chosen a slightly darker colour for my name at the top of the poster. I have also added a drop shadow so that it is easier to read.

Here is the completed version of my trailer. It contains sound effects and editing effects that I feel are suitable to my chosen genre.

This is my completed film magazine, designed as a special zombie edition. I did not use a lot of coverlines around my image as I didn't want my page to look too crowded.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media products use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I answered this question on a powerpoint presentation and uploaded them onto slideshare. It includes my magazine, poster and trailer.

1. Question 1. In what ways do your media products use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 

2. Use - Poster Used red and white fonts. Both my poster and this resident evil poster show the main character as female and holding a weapon The title for the film is situated underneath the main image to draw your I have used the steeltongs font to focus to the image copy real codes and conventions of first, before the name real media texts 

3. Develop - Poster I have developed the idea of the blue tinge on my work by using a darker colour to create a darker feel to my work My main actress is facing the side to show vulnerability Used a slightly different idea of apocalyptic world due to lower budget.Gradient effect covers more Similar costumes for characters of the poster 

4. Challenge - Poster I added a zombie into the background of my poster to show some threat I positioned my tag line to the right and under the title of my film. This is not seen other posters. Zombie Hunter is the biggest font on the page. Bigger than ‘Alexis..’ and ‘Chelsea Hall’ On the resident evil poster, the actors name and title are the same size 

5. Use- Magazine Main image female facing forwards holding a weapon. Barcode in bottom right hand corner is a typical aspect of a magazine. My main image is also situated in the centre of the page mirroring the other magazine's image of Angelina Jolie. The masthead is also placed in the same place.

6. Develop - Magazine Mastheads are different in font and colour but remain largest font on the page Both main images a medium long shot holding a weapon. My image gives direct eye contact which is not the case in the magazine I was comparing to. 

7. Challenge- Magazine ‘Special edition’ banner for collectors or enthusiasts No tagline. Much more blank space to draw the audiences attention towards the main image Magazine issue number and date are with barcode instead of hidden in masthead Different colour schemes. Banner along the bottom to list more featured films 

8. Use- Trailer The film title and release date both appear at the end of the trailer rather than the beginning Female lead role shown in apocalyptic setting Montage fight scenes to build tension. Using fast editing and jump cuts. I added my distribution logos at the beginning. 

9. Develop - Trailer Developed the idea of a logo fed through the trailer, instead of appearing in flashes is appears in the background mostly. I liked the idea of an evil corporation. Instead I used 2 members and never showed them in a scene with my main female. Everything had a sepia filter. As though it were in the past.The voice over in our trailer only lasts for around 10 seconds whereas the voiceover for Resident evil: Retribution lasts for the majority of the trailer. 

10. Challenge - Trailer I did not include any titles in my trailer I used direct eye contact with my audience which is not seen in other trailers. My villains are ambiguous instead of obvious to add  mystery to my trailer.

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?


In this video me and Pippa discuss how our work works together to advertise the same film. We discuss things such as..

Narrative - We can easily tell the narrative in both of our work as it appears in several ways. The name of the film itself includes the words 'zombie hunter', all work shows Alexis, the main female character with a weapon and the same stance. In my poster in particular there in a zombie in the background again highlighting the zombie theme. The trailer itself is mostly a montage showing Alexis fighting zombies, again explaining the narrative.

Audience - You can tell the audience of our work through the themes, darker themes usually mean a higher age rating. Especially when violence is involved.

Representation of character- The costume and stance used by Alexis is the same throughout all of the work keeping her representation consistent. The zombies also have consistent makeup showing the same un-dead behaviors as well. The Acura company are also represented the same as each other  yet different to everyone else keeping them separate as villains.

Colour and Lighting - We also spoke about the use of low key lighting and colour filters we used. Mine being blue and Pippas being brown.

Location - The location we selected was perfect for our idea and is used in all of our work.

Text - All of the text takes the colours red and white staying consistent with the action/horror genre

This is an extra video I made after showing a couple of people my work. I wanted to see what they thought about how effective the combination of my tasks were.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I have created a video in response to this question (personally edited by myself). To do this I recorded myself and Pippa talking on Garageband and then edited it together on i-movie. In this video we discuss the various feedback we have received over the duration of our course and how it helped us in creating our productions.

We discussed

  • Initial Interviews- These were carried out in the beginning to discover which of our two ideas was most appropriate
  • Audience Questionnaires - These provided us with further information in regards to how we should edit our work and whether titles or a voice over would be best.
  • Graphs - The results from the above questionnaires were translated into graphs to give us a better visual representation of the results
  • Social Networking Feedback - Specifically feedback from peers on my poster/magazine and production name.
  • Production Name idea - The research into this took several forms including social networking feedback, name generators and solvr
  • Feedback from class - Feedback from presenting our work to the class on two separate occasions provided us with some useful ideas on what we needed to change in our work.