Dear Moderator

Welcome to my A2 Media Studies blog! It shows all of my work which I started on 18/06/12 and finished on 27/03/13. I put a lot of time and effort into my work and I hope that this is reflected in my final product.

My evaluation begins on 26/02/13
My final products appear directly under this text

I had a lot of fun creating my poster, magazine and trailer this year. I hope you enjoy looking at my blog, enjoy!

Monday 24 September 2012

Research and Planning: Audience Theories

The Hypodermic needle model
This model is explained like a needle going straight to the brain. The media submit a message to the audience's mind, they take the information and they accept it. This could ultimately change their behavior or beliefs.

The Cultivation theory
This theory is explained as the more we are exposed to a certain side of the story or certain information the more we will start to believe it. An example of this could be newspapers reporting more on youth crime, we as consumers could start to believe that young people are causing the most crime.

The Desensitization
This theory suggests that because people nowadays are so exposed to violence and other strong themes we are becoming more 'used to it'. Or it doesn't bother us as much anymore, we are not as easily shocked or scared. Films such as Frankenstein which used to terrify have become laughable and modern horror such as Saw has definitely 'turned up' the horror.

Copycat theory
This theory suggests that people could be highly influenced by things they witness in the media, if they see a crime and become 'inspired' they could choose to imitate it in a real life situation. This could be backed up by the Jamie Bulger case study, a young boy was brutally murdered as his young killers tried to imitate what they had seen in the film 'Child's play'

Uses and Gratifications theory
This theory focuses mostly on the audience, we take what we need from the media to gratify us. We do not let the media affect us, we pick and choose what we get from it.

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