Dear Moderator

Welcome to my A2 Media Studies blog! It shows all of my work which I started on 18/06/12 and finished on 27/03/13. I put a lot of time and effort into my work and I hope that this is reflected in my final product.

My evaluation begins on 26/02/13
My final products appear directly under this text

I had a lot of fun creating my poster, magazine and trailer this year. I hope you enjoy looking at my blog, enjoy!

Thursday 27 September 2012

Research and Planning: Questionnaire Audience Profile

I used the results from our questionnaires and used them to create charts so that our data can be easily interpreted. This graph shows the age of our participants, this will be taken into consideration when looking at the results.

 We handed out our questionnaire to 10 people, 7 were female and 3 were male.

From looking at this graph we can clearly see that a mixed paced trailer seems to be the most popular option for our trailer.

In general most people think that a voice over would be the most appropriate choice for our trailer. One person suggested to start off with voice over and then fade to music which I think is a very suitable idea.

From our other results we discovered
  • It is a good idea to be able to see snippets of zombies
  • The audience believes that the main character should wear combat clothes
  • low angles should be used to show dominance
  • We should have a mixed editing pace
  • A voice over would be a good choice

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