Dear Moderator

Welcome to my A2 Media Studies blog! It shows all of my work which I started on 18/06/12 and finished on 27/03/13. I put a lot of time and effort into my work and I hope that this is reflected in my final product.

My evaluation begins on 26/02/13
My final products appear directly under this text

I had a lot of fun creating my poster, magazine and trailer this year. I hope you enjoy looking at my blog, enjoy!

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Research and Planning: Pitch

This was my original pitch for my A2 Media project. Me and Pippa are working together as a pair and worked together to come up with some ideas.

We had two potential plot ideas with one being a favorite from the off. The first idea was a zombie apocalypse film with a female lead role. Similar to the resident evil films or 28 days later.  Our other idea is a hostage situation film, based on ideas such as 'Taken' but with a more horror feel. Both of these films would have a female front, going against the grain as it were of both a hero and a villian.

The sounds we would need include gun shot and the 'clip-clopping' of high heeled shoes. These would instantly create a feel of non stereotyped action. We will also need to decide what sounds our zombies should make if we make the zombie film, they could either moan or scream.
If we made either film we would also need noises such as the blowing of wind, dripping water or the sound of rubble. These add realism and tension to a film which will help a lot with our genre.

For our music we would like the trailer to start of softly or quietly either with a quiet instrument or such playing softly. But as it gets into it more we would like the pace to quicken considerably possibly with electric instruments and loud rock music.

We are aiming to market our film as a certificate 15, we feel that this could be appropriate with the amount of horror we aim to incorporate into our trailer. As the genre will be action-horror rather than just plain horror. Having our film as a 15 opens up our audience choice and allows more people access to our film. However if we make the hostage film there is a chance there will be more horror therefore we may need to change the certificate.

In terms of location for the zombie film, an isolated urban area seems the best idea to film in because the city makes an interesting 'playground' for props and mise en scene. The kidnap film however, would be filmed in somebody's house, preferebly a basement for the most realistic horror experience.

For props in the hostage film we would be rather minimalistic, maybe needing a chair and some rope to add to the fear. But for the zombie film we can really 'go to town' on props, we could decorate the streets with 'bio-hazard' posters make sure there was litter scattered everywhere. We could also have fun with weapons in these films, using toy guns, knives and less conventional weapons like baseball bats.

In regards to cinematography we have already planned to use a zoom and a pan from feet to head and over the shoulder shots to introduce or character. A few flashes of zombie closeups would also be a good way to add the fear factor.

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