Dear Moderator

Welcome to my A2 Media Studies blog! It shows all of my work which I started on 18/06/12 and finished on 27/03/13. I put a lot of time and effort into my work and I hope that this is reflected in my final product.

My evaluation begins on 26/02/13
My final products appear directly under this text

I had a lot of fun creating my poster, magazine and trailer this year. I hope you enjoy looking at my blog, enjoy!

Sunday 25 November 2012

Research and Planning: Makeup test 1

Last night I decided that I would try to do an attempt of my zombie makeup. I convinced my boyfriend to let me practise on him. I used various eyeshadows, lip liner, lipstick and white face paint. These things are readily available and easy to get hold of. I decided to try the look without the fake blood as I did not want to waste what I have. I decided to take pictures to document the progress.

Step 1: Clean face. Ready for the makeup!

Step 2: Cover the face in white face paint. Oops I think I missed some patches.

Step 3: Use different colours to add some dirty patches.

Step 4: Add the bruises and bloody patches

Step 5: Add the final touches and you're done! Now you just need to add the clothing and some fake blood.

As far as first attempts go I am very proud of what I managed to do. I used techniques I have learned from doing my own Halloween makeup and I can safely say that I managed to do a good job, even though I did not have a large budget for my makeup.

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