Dear Moderator

Welcome to my A2 Media Studies blog! It shows all of my work which I started on 18/06/12 and finished on 27/03/13. I put a lot of time and effort into my work and I hope that this is reflected in my final product.

My evaluation begins on 26/02/13
My final products appear directly under this text

I had a lot of fun creating my poster, magazine and trailer this year. I hope you enjoy looking at my blog, enjoy!

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Research and Planning: Plan for the week

This week I need to focus more on names and logos for my production and distribution company. I think that me and Philippa will split this task equally and take responsibility for one each. We need to make sure the companies 'match' the kind of film we plan to represent.

I am also planning on drawing some drafts of my idea for a movie poster, I can scan these into the computer and talk about my ideas. I will also take another look into costume and see what I can use from my own wardrobe. I could do the same with props and calculate what I can realistically pay for myself.

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